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It's been a fighted and exciting auction: we are talking about the CHRISTIE'S auction of the 32 manhole covers that have invaded the Tortona area since June 2009 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of METROWEB, the owner of the biggest optical fibres network’s in Europe.

40000 euros have been raised and devolved to AIPD Onlus – Associazione Italiana Persone Down ( the Italian association for the people affected by the Down Syndrome) for the school observatory project AIPD. " We are glad to conclude this event, that has been a great success, contributing to a cause that we consider very important through a tangible support to a real project that is going to be realized in Milan and in the whole country", said Alberto Trondoli, the managing director of Metroweb.
All the protagonists attended the auction: the originator of the lucky project Monica Nascimbeni, the Art Director Gisella Borioli, the curator Davide Giannella and many artists who interpreted the theme of the NETWORK and its contemporary language: 108, 2501, Abbominevole, Bo130, Bros, Dem, El Gato Chimney, Faust, Luze, maba, Microbo, Ozmo, Pho, Veronique Pozzi, Santy, Sten&Lex, Ufo5.

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