Location and studios. Events, fashion, art, design, entertainment, fairs, convention. Creativity, projects and services  




Superstudio Più was born with the affort to give space to all the expressions of creativity at the beginning of 2000: fashion, design, communication, dance and experimental theatre, contemporary art … Ten years later the purpose is reached: the location has become the first big multicultural, artistic, private exhibition centre in Milan, open to all the proposes without preconceptions in every internal and external space: the display window "art.box", the gallery "MyOwnGallery" for example. Superstudio has hosted the start up of really important and out of ordinary artistic events: from the theatral festival Uovo to the Mito concerts, from the exhibition China here to the Bros personal one, until the project Contemporary Art, a new and informal circuit of ultra-contemporary art between famous and not yet famous artists.
The third edition of (con)temporaryArt converts Superstudio in a real periodical Museum of contemporary art. Thanks to 26 exhibitions, thematic or personal, more than 100 artist, a room with enormous installations, other rooms with surprising exhibitions, the presence of international artista as Banksy and Shepard Fairey, Superstudio becomes a vast and inique space completely dedicated to art for a week, open to the people that love it and to the city.

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