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If one thinks of McLaren ones thought goes to the Formula 1 race cars, accessible only to pilots like Hamilton or Button. 
Nonetheless the prestigious and luxurious automotive club has launched, here at the Superstudio, the very first model of its sports car range that is highly technical and destined to the greater public: the MP4-12C. An essential setting was used as frame to a very professional presentation, exclusive and rigorous: at the centre as the absolute protagonist the metallic silver model of the MP4-12C, together with the "naked" version with its carbon fibre frame exposed to the viewers.
Models that look like dolls that look like scultures... Laura Biagiotti's latest collection, hosted as allways in Milan's Piccolo Teatro , takes inspiration from contemporary art and dreams. On each side of the catwalk Flavio Lucchini's Ghosts, imposing sculptures made of white mother of pearl resin. They represent divine outfits, they seem to optically reproduce the ruches, volants and plissettatures of the doll like dresses created by the stylist. A successful union in which sculptures dialogue deeply with the outfits, being themselves works of art.
YOGA: SHALL WE DO IT IN THE WATER? It starts with a novelty, this fifth edition of the Yoga Festival Milano (8-9-10), the most well-known yoga event in the whole of Italy that brings together thousands of people passionate about yoga every year, to take part together, in the big and ample spaces of Superstudio Più, for once in a stress-free event. Watsu and Woga are the two new disciplines of this year, they are wellness techniques that take place in tepid water and induce a state of wellbeing and relaxation for the body and mind. At the festival one can book sessions with expert therapists, or try out one or more of the 44 seminars conducted by expert teachers of various techniques. The festival occupies all the available space with a great exhibition area in which yoga and Ayurveda centres and schools can present their courses and seminars. An Emporio area rich in objects for yoga, a restaurant run by the Italian Vegetarian Association and the chef Simone Salvini, a hall for music and art, a space for children for Yoga and 40 freeclass, short lessons and free of charge for everybody. Info:
The feminine excelllence in Italy according to Elle magazine (October edition). Gisella Borioli has been included amogst the 100 most talented Italian women in the fashion, beauty and design sector, for having created and organized innovative and contemporary events such as the Temporary Museum for New Design during the Milano Design Week. A special evening with the Mayor Letizia Moratti that reunites all onehundred women protagonists, stilists, designers, managers, journalists and creative, to reflect also on the theme of scarse female representation in powerful work positions.
Beauty and eternal youth in the reflection of the art mirror. A tribute to Elena Melik, the most spirited rolling "R".
Twelve contemporary artists before the woman. The intriguing, charming, fascinating and multiform woman that uses her seduction weapon helped by a veil of hair, a touch of make-up, the smoothness of her skin a foulard, a dress, a jewel… The artists approach the mistery of the young woman's charme. Each one in his or her way: with the post-modern pop, figurative, conceptual, street and digital language they create suggestive works of art. As an extra-ordinary coincidence you will find incredible analogies with the words of Elena Melik, untamed journalist and true example of eternal youth, inside and outside, who dedicated her whole life towards the research of beauty; this exhibition, curated by Gisella Borioli, is a tribute to that research. Works of art by Andy, Corrado Bonomi, Felipe Cardeña, Paolo Cassarà , Filippo Centenari, Giovanni Gastel, Dejana Kabiljo, Marco Lodola, Flavio Lucchini, Fulvia Mendini, Nais and Natalica. The works will be put up for auction by Christie's in favor of the association "La Forza e il sorriso". rrrRagazze! is a project by UNIPRO.
It is a mix of dance, performance, striptease, glamour and sensuality. It is never vulger. Loved by stars like Madonna, Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilera, Katy Perry. The Burlesque arrives at Superstudio Più's Dance Point with the Burlesque School Milano, the first in Italy, founded by Mitzi von Wolfgang which has collaborated with many important Italian TV and Theaters. An intense calendar of events, lessons and workshops.
White, the most desired and trendy fashion citadel is back with 350 exhibitors at Superstudio Più and Ex Ansaldo in Via Tortona for five days of events, fashion shows, art exhibitions and beauty with White Beauty and many more novelties. This year particular attention is given to Scandinavian fashion and to the union between fashion and music. This years' new entry WHITE EVENTS, hosted at Superstudio 13 in via Forcella, anticipate Milan's fashion week and speak the language of contemporary art. For the first time in Milan, the star of Parisian catwalks, Henrik Vibskov, Danish artist, musician and stylist both innovative and eclectic, proposes a fashion show with a dreamy yet minimal-design atmosphere (see photo). Still following the Scandinavian trend, the original Norwegian Rain, waterproof and anti-rain clothing brand, offer a transversal project, a real fusion of fashion, art and installation. Ilaria Nistri presents her new collection with an extraordinary performance in collaboration with Santasangre Theatre Company. Two interesting exhibitions complete the calendar of White Events: at MyOwnGallery "rrrRagazze" a collective exhibition of contemporary art as homage to the mythical journalist Elena Melik, and at the Ex Ansaldo with a photographic exhibition by Claudia Romiti, Ri-Africa, that with great simplicity, sensibility and elegance, deals with the issue of immigration in a multi-ethnical city like Milan. Music and more music, White's hottest new ingredient, on an open-air stage in Superstudios' Piazzetta dell'Arte that will host new young musical talents from a selection of XFactor finalists, electrifying live Dj sets, performances form the artist Tying Tiffany and the rebel "Friends of HCT". Info:
Two women, symbolizing the union of multiple cultures, unite their dresses and under the light of a new dawn, flower babies blossom in the fields. This is the "city that I would like" dreamed and desired by the Milanese artist Nais and painted on a 15 meter long wall in viale Jenner 44. It is the first work realized in the name of the project "Walls of Fame", born from the collaboration between the association M.A.T Milano Altri Talenti and the Mayor of Milan. This initiative is strongly supported by the Mayor Letizia Maratti together with the councillors Massimiliano Finazzer Flory and Maurizio Cadeo. 10 other artists have been asked to create a "public" work of art on other 10 “legal†walls chosen by the Milan Municipality during the next few months. An open air artistic circuit that answers to the theme “the city that I would like†in reference to the specific site of the wall, working to contribute towards the city and its neighbourhood's identity.
In the following months we will have, always under the artists' direction of Gisella Borioli who ha also coordinated the project, the artist Neve and his wall in viale Struzo and Pao with a lucid circuit about his previous work in the Martesana park and Kayone displayed on the wall of via Olona next to the Science Museum. Within the month artists Ozmo, El Gato Chimney and Santy will start working on other walls yet to be defined. But the list of artists that wish to collaborate in the project “Walls of Fame†is getting longer day by day. Who knows if in opposition to all the scarred and vandalized walls the city of Milan could propose one hundred walls made precious by its street artists. info:
Original, versatile as it is innovative, OPEN International Exhibition of Sculpture and Installation reaches this year its thirteenth edition after a long history of collaboration with seventy-one countries, three hundred-sixty artists and one hundred-fifty curators of International fame. Flavio Lucchini, invited to participate amongst the selected International artists, presents his "Ghost" in Golden and pearly resin, big surreal sculptures that redefine dresses as creative moment and female metaphor. The artworks exhibited are parallel interventions, born under absolute liberty of expression let loose by a common obligatory theme. They meet, contaminate each other, create hybrid without confusing one another.
From the 1st of September to the 3rd of October, Venice Lido and Isola di San Servolo During the 67° Venice Film Festival
Like a "Carrying the Torch" that joins Great Women who made Milan big and Young Women who will, took place at Palazzo Marino yesterday, inside the crowded sala Alessi despite the FIFA Italian soccer match. The actress Adriana Asti, the photographer Carla Cerati, the art critic Luisa Cogliati, the culture ambassadress Inge Feltrinelli, the social worker Annalori Ambrosoli, the researcher Iolanda Minoli, the psychologist Silvia Vegetti Finzi, the trend-setter Pupi Solari. Together with the young talents under 35: the actress Silvia Giulia Mendola, the photographer Alessandra Di Consoli, the artist Alice Cattaneo, the writer Micol Belttramini. And again Selene Biffi for the civil involvement, Silvia Rapacioli for the research, Francesca Giordano for the Psychology, Barbarella Marchesi and Cornelia Brandolini for fashion. The fourth edition of the Premio Milano Donna, strongly desired by the mayor Letizia Moratti and the councillor for social policies Mariolina Moioli with the art direction of Gisella Borioli, proves itself to be one of favourite initiatives of the city of Milan. The expectation for the upcoming edition is growing. Info:
Even the world of children can boast an innovative and original salon. Between tradition and renewal, WHITE FOR KIDS is back at the Superstudio Più from June the 27th with 65 brands under the sign of quality and research. Among the International expositors stand out Chloè and Boss Underwear, Altana with Jacob Cohen Junior, Manila Grace in version little girl and Sonia Rykiel Enfant, besides italian realities such as Le rose rosa, Dking and Dqueen the junior brands by Dondup, Nous +, Escumada and Wip that presents an innovative stroller. Special guests La stupenderia, high level italian clothing brand, that recreates its own atelier and produces some handicraft moments, while Idil hosts the basketball champion as party testimonial Carlton Meyer. And again a shooting session of baby fashion of the most remarkable pieces of the collections directed by the photographer and director Achim Lippoth, in collaboration with the prestigious magazine Kid's wear.
The fourth edition of the all women's MilanoDonna Prize – the prestigious event promoted by the Milan city council with Gisella Borioli's art direction, devoted to the Great Women who made Milan a great city and to the Young Women giving their contribution – has finally arrived. An ideal alternation bringing together different generations of women, which in the past editions saw the parade of important names such as Valentina Cortese, Gae Aulenti, Krizia, Fernanda Pivano, Maddalena De Padova, Ornella Vanoni, along the young Gaia Trussardi, Ilaria Marelli, Gentucca Bini, Margherita Missoni, and Martina Mondadori. This year's nominations are still top-secret and they will be announced by Letizia Moratti at Palazzo Marino next June 24th. Info:
Kakà , Buffon, Stankovic, Eto'o, Cole, Pato and many others photographed in patriotic underwear by one of the greatest contemporary photographer Annie Leibovitz, famous above all for her celebrities' portraits. This is the photo session published on Vanity Fair USA that tells the protagonists of the international soccer, shot at the Superstudio 13, the favourite location of the international photographs and press in Italy since ever.
The concept of research of White opens itself to the formal: this is the real news of White Homme that comes back on June the 20th at the Superstudio Più after the great success of the last edition in January. Among the new entries some of the excellences such as Sartorio, Barbara Napoli, Di Ruggiero, Sealup, Cruciani, e Massimo Alba.
Guest stars Makin Jan Ma and for the first time in Italy Damir Doma and Surface to air that present the new surprosing collections. With its 110 brands of quality and the costant growth in terms of the presences of buyers, White Homme expand in the ex Ansaldo on other 1000 sq m with the exhibition-event "La tradizione, il valore, il bello", dedicated to the tailor's sculture and to the made in Italy curated by the company Ciro Paone, producer of the brand Kiton. For further information:
It is called Subject 60 and it's the new campaign that Volvo has realized for the new S60 launch, a young, irreverent and fashionable car that will have the task of repositioning the brand Volvo on the International market. Five are the european cities involved: from Berlin to London, from Paris to Madrid, and tonight in Milan. Volvo chose Superstudio Più, the perfect location to present a product for "a different new public, a crowd of creatives" in the words of Lukas Dohle (Volvo's Head of Social media & Live Communication). The event has been promoted through the most important local bloggers and a real ticket hunt for the party of the June 10th. Two very cool guests are going to embellish the party: Likke Li, elected fashion icon by the International magazine Purple and famous for her first music record, and Facehunter, the renowned photographer and bloggers, a real land mark for the young people who are always looking for new trends.
Some internationally recognized italian street artists for the walls at the periphery of Milan: the new project of the Comune di Milano is called Walls of Fame and it is promoted by Massimiliano Finazzer Flory, Councillor for Culture of the Milan's Municipality and curated by Gisella Borioli; it is going to start in June to embellish and improve the abased areas of the city. A public art action on the theme "La Città che vorrei" to paint the walls of via Sapri, viale Monza or viale Cassala; the locations were suggested by Amsa and they are going to turn into huge underground canvas. (In the picture: a work of the young artist Nais).
It will be on March 2011 but it's the news that already galvanizes the world of beauty, excellence and quality. The next event produced by Superstudio Group is called myFair, and it is a fair for a niche, open to a medium-high level target, especially a feminine target, that gathers in the same location all the beautiful, useful, clever, exclusive, extraordinary things that are the result of creativity, research, technology and culture difficult to find close to each others, or better under the same roof.
Two times a year, for a week end, myFair presents itself as an energic and elegant village in which the visitor will find the best of fashion, beauty, jewellery, accessories, wellness, home, dècor, leisure time and many other things distinguished for excellence and uniqueness.
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Three hundred and fifty guests for a party organized by the National Tourism Corporation of Morocco, which chose Superstudio Più to host on May 11th an authentic Moroccan night: Mohamed Bariz, the famous story-teller with his unique voice will come from the Jeema el Fna square of Marrakech. A small suk, the singer Malika Ayane and the actress patroness of the event Valeria Golino will enrich the atmosphere.
Superstudio opens the doors to "Mash Up", the overshadowing exhibition-event of Salvatore Benintende, alias Tv Boy, great contemporary artist belonging to the neo pop and street art International movement. Art Point, MyOwnGallery, and the external wall in the Superstudio court yard are going to be invaded by the colours and the visions of the young and talented artist who proposes a mash up of images and emotions that go back the past century icons and mix them up with the present-day themes and visions. The exhibition, cured by Jacopo Perfetti and produced by Art Kitchen, will open on May 4th at 6.00 pm and continue until May 30th, everyday from 3.00 pm to 7.00 pm. Saturday and Sunday from 11.00 am to 7.00 pm. Info:
Superstudio Cafè turnes into a meeting platform between the big fashion protagonists and young creatives of the universities of Bicocca, Cattolica and Politecnico. Starting from May the 23rd untill the end of July every Friday will be dedicated to the Made in Italy through the voice of great personalities such as Mario Boselli, Sergio Corneliani, Diego Della Valle, Maria Luisa Frisa, Giovanna Furlanetto, Benedetta Zegna, Santo Versace. It's a "coffee break. Conversations on fashion". A project organized by the Consorzio Milano Fashion Institute, which chose Superstudio Cafè for the ideal scenery inside the area that talks the italian and International fashion language and refers to that informality which just around a coffee table saw the birth of big brands and historicle (memorable) collaborations. Info: