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Superstudio, pursuing the line introduced with the AUTISTIC/ARTISTIC project born with the “Art-Bazar” exhibition by Flavio Lucchini, hosts and supports a special day dedicated to autism and Asperger Syndrome, curated by CuoreMenteLab, Associazione Spazio Asperger ONLUS, Edizioni Edra.
Neurodiversity and creativity. Obstacles and talent in the Autistic Spectrum”, an event eagerly wanted by Gisella Borioli, consists in a series of meetings and conversations with researchers, doctors, professionals and artists with Asperger syndrome, who will bring their own experiences. The day ends with a presentation of the book “Guida completa alla Sindrome di Asperger” by Tony Attwood, published by Edizioni Edra.

Sunday 17th February
from 9am to 6pm
Superstudio Più – First Floor Space, Via Tortona, 27


For info: www.cuorementelab.it/evento/gmsa2019/ 

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